Dos and Don’ts for Safe Grinding
DOs for Grinding Wheel Safety ✓
- Check all wheels for Cracks or Damage before mounting.
- Make sure the operating speed of the Machine does not exceed the rated wheel speed.
- Always handle and store wheels in a careful manner.
- Ensure wheel hole fits machine arbor properly and the flanges are clean, flat and the proper type and size for the wheel you are mounting.
- Always run wheel in a protected area at least one minute before grinding.
- Use wheel guard furnished with machine.
- Always wear protective safety glasses or proper face shield.
DON’Ts for Grinding Wheel Safety ✕
- Don’t use wheels which have been dropped or otherwise damaged.
- Don’t use excessive pressure when mounting wheel between flanges. Tighten nut only enough to hold wheel firmly.
- Don’t use a grinding wheel that has a rated speed less than the speed of the grinder.
- Don’t handle machine carelessly. Racks or hooks should be used to support machine when not in use.
- Don’t use heavy side grinding pressure on any Type 1 (flat sided) wheel.
- Don’t mount more than one wheel on a single arbor.
- Don’t use a machine for an inappropriate application.
- Don’t use a machine without proper safety guard mounted securely in place.
- Don’t directly touch a rotating grinding wheel with any part of your body.
- Don’t stand in front of the grinding wheel direction of rotation during test operation.
- Don’t place the grinder onto a table, floor, work piece or other surface before the grinding wheel has fully stopped while working with a portable grinder.